Thursday, May 31, 2007

Pro Hair Color Red Violet

Judo - The medals of Aurora

Ideas For Outdoor Skating Party

Thomas as a poet

Because ... I ask the world to stop for a second

only for me, just for me, just for me.

Why can not I live my life?
E 'from a life that I think of her,
that does not make me sleep,
that drives me crazy, love, love.

Why can not I declare
I can not roll around in the truth.

I die of shame, that a stork

would like to take me I'm waiting for the news ...
the 'mutual love!

Thomas Taccola

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

How To Get An Account On Techdecklive

Sports Games

come on! Wonderful end of the project began in mid-year "And they all lose weight!"

Wednesday, May 30th at the sports field Perignano was held on the feast of the project involving several schools, come on!
We arrived at around 11:00, the games were as follows:
  • Rubabandiera with, instead of numbers, fruits and vegetables;
  • a game called Pass the rolling-ball
  • a particular circle

After all the boys have told Release running here and there, and also received certificates of participation. The next year

Join the crowd! What you should lose weight!

Some photos:
Here, we are changing our yellow shirts with those who have given us

Initially we played capture the flag with fruits and vegetables instead of numbers.

Here we are playing the relay, allowing us to pass the ball from above.

Instead the ball here we go from under your legs trying not to drop it on the ground.

We are currently doing a particular circle.

This is our diploma for participating in the games.

This is us after the games.

Mayor warmly welcomes the mistress Carla.

This is a "top" of the teacher Carla.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Nerf Party Birthday Invitations

Children in kindergarten have come

Children of the next first came to visit

Here we are in the gym, we children of the fifth, with the sole maternal Lari.

Now we are presenting.

Thank goodness also Cevoli of nursery school children, have arrived!

We're welcoming them here in the gym.

Here the children of the two schools are doing the prints of their hands on a poster prepared 20 minutes before!

Here we are playing the game he has chosen Tommy Tac (Regina princess)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Sunday, May 13, 2007

What Else Could A Cold Sore Be Besides Herpes

Everybody Us Against Hunger 2007-13 and 14 May

Click here to learn more about this very important initiative that will allow us to defeat, by 2015, hunger children in the world

How To Make An Apocalypse Kit

Congratulations to the mothers of
Thirteen Great

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Dandelion Leaves For Rabbits

Mother's Day Let's Channel 50

Official Photographers: Matt and Lawrence B.

It's around 9:00.
We are going to Channel 50, in Pisa, where Viola, Selene S., Lawrence F. and Thomas will be interviewed during the section on Zanzibar Walk Against Hunger tomorrow.

The teachers thought that the editors see a TV can be an interesting experience for all fifth class, so they phoned yesterday to Channel 50 to ask if you could do and gave us the OK.

Lorenzo F, Selene S. and Thomas are going over the topics and news for the interview. Viola will be directly to Channel 50 because it is already in Pisa yesterday by her grandparents.

Here's the place where he is preparing to Channel 50.

Then down and begin our search of the office of Channel 50.

the interviewer's Channel 50. As soon as we see says
-What are you doing here?
Dadadadam ... .... We thought: "How do
are you doing here? We came from Perignano in Pisa, we prepared, we called you ... and we accept with a
"What are you doing here "?????!???

The 5 minutes you are heavy.

Our spy Kleiton trying to hear sounds of life from the door

While we expect the group photo publicizing the march.

these, our two companies advertising the march under the tower of Pisa.

is still our companies advertising the march.

Before 'interview do some exercises.

And now .... you go on stage!

the party rolling: Tommy, Selene, Lorenzo Viola and speak in turn. This is Tom's turn.

This is Lorenzo's turn

The "band" comes out victorious from the studies. It is applauded by all. Hurrah!

Monday, May 7, 2007

Sparkler Birthday Candle

Meet the Author

On 7 May the 4th and 5th classes met in the conference room of the school to meet a writer.

This is the writer Patricia Rossi (but she prefers to be called "writer").

Now there she "encourages" them to the requests and, after a while, 'us' take my hand. "

In these photos the "writer" is responding to some of our questions.