Sunday, January 3, 2010
How To Clean Orthotics?
Office hours: Tuesday from 11.30 to 12.30 - Room No. 36 - II-Plan of the Department of Mathematics, Politecnico di Bari Politecnico di Bari
- Electronics and Telecommunications - AA 2010-2011
Result II exemption and appeal II and Geometry Algebra of March 7, 2011
Program of Geometry and Algebra
proposed exercises on matrices and linear systems
integrals and residue theorem
Politecnico di Bari - Electronics and Telecommunications - AA 2009-2010
Program of Geometry and Algebra
Politecnico di Bari - Mechanical Engineering - Course A - AA 2009-2010
NOTICE: The completion of Geometry and Algebra for the students of prof. Terrusi will take place Friday, March 18 at 16 in a classroom.
Traces of Appeals for Electro-Mechanical Engineering (Course B)
Result second waiver of Geometry and Algebra of February 24, 2011 Electrical Engineering
Result second waiver of Geometry and Algebra of February 24, 2011 Mechanical Engineering (Course B)
Exercises conducted and proposed to Geometry and Linear Algebra
Exercises of Geometry in Space
Solutions of the Exercises Analytic Geometry of Space
Exercises of Geometry in the plane (conical)
Solutions periods of Geometry in the plane (conical)
Program of Geometry and Algebra
Polytechnic Bari - Bachelor Degree in Engineering - AA 2008-2009 - Course B
Program in Mathematical Analysis II
Exercises of Mathematical Analysis II on double integrals and functions of two variables
Exercises of Mathematical Analysis II
The integral function
Politecnico di Bari - Degree in Engineering - AA 2008-2009 - A Course
Program geometry and algebra AA 2008/2009
exercises in geometry and algebra
exercises on vector spaces
Modl And Sol List 2010
In this book, are listed and proved several theorems on conics by completely synthetic, from the definition of themselves as fire-place director. I certainly do not despise the analytical method, which still remains a powerful tool and, in some cases, indispensable. However, my goal is to show the beauty and elegance (and simplicity) of proofs obtained using simple notions of Euclidean geometry. Reference text will be to Besant, Conic Sections Treated geometrically reperebile online at DML (Digital Mathematics Library), I also drew a number of other texts that mention from time to time (the existing material on conics is truly endless!).
For the text, no special requirements are needed: How would Besant, a good knowledge of the first six books of Elements of Euclid (ie the concepts of elementary geometry you learn in high school) is all enough to go into the wonderful world of gears. Of course, I can not help but mention the great geometer Apollonius , ie one who has dealt with systematically conics, using only synthetic methods (his work on conics is characterized by clarity and depth), realizing many of the same property, property that has been demonstrated (perhaps with less expenditure of mental energy) used analytical methods or projective.
From here you can download the chapters of the book as a PDF file:
Chapter 1 - Conic sections
Insights, accessories and applications
modulo n e. .. EncryptionThe Fibonacci sequence
Spanish Rap Vs Black Rap
"And 'the essential function of the Professor, to arouse the joy of working and to know "
A. Einstein
Vincent Giordano
lives in Bari, where he was born November 3, 1971.He attended the Liceo Scientifico" A. Chess "in Bari, where he received the scientific degree with honors.
In 1997 he graduated in Mathematics with honors from the University of Bari, with a thesis on functional analysis' theorem to problems Ljusternik extremal with limitations. "
In 2008 he received his PhD in Mathematics at the University of Bari, with a thesis entitled" Geometry and Combinatorics cyclotomic fields, " written under the supervision of prof. Gabor Korchmaros.
is currently an adjunct professor at the Politecnico di Bari and professor of Mathematics at the Liceo Scientifico Statale "E. Fermi" di Bari
Download full curriculum vitae.
E-mail: vin.giordano @