is with you "Every time you love, the self disappears"
"I love to teach themselves. But remember, love for oneself does not mean egotistical pride, not at all, it means exactly the opposite. The person who loves himself, he discovers that she is no self. Love always dissolves itself: this is one of the alchemical secrets that must be understood, learned, experienced. Love Always dissolve the self. Every time you love, the self disappears. When you love a woman, at least in the few moments where you feel real love for her, in you there is no self, no ego.
The ego and love can not exist together. They are as light and darkness: when light, darkness disappears. If you love yourself, you will be surprised: the love for oneself implies the removal of the self. Love for yourself there is never a self. This is the paradox: the self-love is a total lack of self. It is not egotism, because every time there is no light there is darkness, and whenever there is love there is no no self.
Love melts the frozen self. The self is like an ice cube, love is like the morning sun. The warmth of love ... and if it starts to melt. The more you love yourself you will find a less self within you, so it becomes a deep meditation, a passionate impulse towards the divine.
And you know it! Maybe you know nothing of love for yourself, because you never loved. But did you love others, and you have caught the fleeting flashes. There must have been very few moments when for a second, suddenly, you were not more present and there was only love, only love energy flowing, without a center: from nowhere to nowhere. When two lovers are sitting together, no two are sitting together, two sit near zero, and that's the beauty of love: you completely empty your self.
Remember then: the self-centered pride is never self-love. The self-centered pride is exactly the opposite. A person who fails to love itself becomes self-centered "
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