disassembled and packed the bikes.
Our adventure ends here.
My goal is to 'reach: getting ahead of Samuel Normand, the young and non-professional' was selected from a group of 450 suitors (and that goes really fast!). Fabien
arrives, he shakes my hand, asks me if I enjoyed it, and says: "Mark I hope you had fun, for me it 's been a great pleasure to have you here with us, your personality, your positivity' , your smile, your availability 'are precisely the qualities we are looking for participants in these urgent event "
I feel flattered by these words, words confirmed by other participants and Fred, the organizer. I am very happy!
us for dinner, awards, great party ... There are some guys who Ballam and they sound very good ... He gets an elbow po'il, you mess ... Everything 'went well today, we can go to sleep and then tomorrow, enjoy a little 'rest and life style in Cape Verde!

Poulet Samos and join the musicians

Sven, the photographer, it gives us into the wine. Soon funiranno all stocks of the restaurant! Posted
using BlogPress from my iPad
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